Send ISABELLA an instant gift

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do I Enter Shipping Details?
There's no need to enter any shipping info during checkout. Once you purchase the gift, the recipient is notified by email and can choose his or her own delivery options.
How Is My Gift Delivered?
After your purchase, the recipient will receive an email notifying them of your gift. They will then have the opportunity to personalize the gift (size, color and other relevant options) and choose how they would like to receive it.
How Do I Know If The Gift Has Already Been Purchased By Another Guest?
All purchases are updated in real-time. Once a gift it purchased, the Buy button is disabled and can no longer be purchased by another guest. If the Buy button is active, it hasn't been purchased yet.
What Are The Shipping And Tax Costs?
If the retailer charges for shipping, the amount will be added at the checkout stage. An estimated sales tax will also be included. The amount allows for the gift to be shipped to the recipient or will be made available to them as credit if they decide they want something else.
Who Bills My Credit Card?
Yes That Gift is powered by Jifiti, purchases will show on your statement as "Jifiti Yes That Gift".
Participating Stores ×

Register gifts from any of the following stores: